What Were They Thinking? Poem by Betty Bleen

What Were They Thinking?

Some people are so naïve. Take for instance,
Little Red Riding Hood. There she is, skipping
through the forest, which she knows is inhabited
by dangerous animals, wearing a scarlet cloak.
Talk about sticking out like a sore thumb! She
may as well wear a big X on her chest, carry
a sign that reads, “Here I am, come and eat me.”
Instead of hurrying through the forest as any
smart girl who is in touch with her surroundings
would do, she skips leisurely along, stopping
here and there to pick flowers, and carts food
along to boot.
They say the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree,
which leads us to Grandma. What was she
thinking? I mean, big sharp teeth are big sharp
teeth, no matter how you dress them up. If I were
to stare out my peep hole and see that mug
staring back at me I’d never open the door.
But, sweet little old Grandma not only lets him in,
she offers him crumpets and tea. Mr. Wolf must
have seen stupid written all over her face. Pretty
soon she’s in his big old belly and he’s smacking
his chops.

Re-enter Little Red Riding Hood. Now the girl’s
known the same grandma her entire life. How
does she explain her brand spanking new teeth,
and all that facial hair? If her mommy ever warned
her about wolves in sheep’s clothing it apparently
never sunk in. Did she think maybe something
was wrong with this picture? Obviously she doesn’t
think, but exclaims instead, “Grandma what big
eyes you have, and teeth you have, ” and so on…

Thank goodness for the woodsman. He was taught
to recognize a big bad wolf when he saw one, granny
clothes or not. He also knew how to aim right when
swinging an axe. Bye, bye one big very bad wolf,
exit one sweet but naïve grandma.
And now you know the rest of the story.

Betty Bleen

Betty Bleen

Wheeling, WV
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