When I Am Alone....... Poem by lalitha iyer

When I Am Alone.......

it is half past day
grey head is dawning
truths provoking
me to responses

it is the time of mid day
when reality popps up hot
when life hangs in between
sunsets and sunrises

we are suddenly alone
every one of us
our hormones too
upset by absurd endings

dreams all wiped clear
the fabric of romance tripped naked
nothing remains
but shreds of reality, bold and blurting sharp

the statues of ego
waxing melting under the hot facts
life is slipping, limbs are groaning
you are alone, none listens
to the secrets your mind stumbles upon

you are facing the wall
wall is walking towards you
yet it is just for you and you only
others cant share this mystery
since they cant see what you see now

You are alone
when the words you speak
none could understand
when the hands you shake
spears with rushing pride
when you are stuffed
amidst the cheering crowd

when the man next to you
couldnot see the humour
that is eating your life
you turning into a joke
and the comedy is about to end
You know, you want so much to tell
yet none could feel the throb of your pulse.............

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