When Is That Golden Moment? Poem by Murtaza Hashwani

When Is That Golden Moment?

When the scale tells me I've not gained a pound
When my glasses or phone or keys have been found,
When the cop pulls me over but spares me the ticket
When my ice cream cone drips and I get to lick it,
When I read the obituaries and don't know a soul,
When the car just ahead of me pays for my toll,
When my pants can fit without sucking my gut in
When I'm on the dance floor and a man asks to cut in,
When it's time for a movie and I get to choose it,
When I cut out the coupon and remember to use it.
Everyone understands the worth
Of a big celebration: a marriage, a birth
But moments of joy, too many to mention
Brighten each day, when we just pay attention.

Monday, October 17, 2022
Topic(s) of this poem: inspiration,poem,motivation
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