When The Bright Red Leaves Rained Down (Revised) Poem by Mary Angela Douglas

Mary Angela Douglas

Mary Angela Douglas

Little Rock, Arkansas United States of America

When The Bright Red Leaves Rained Down (Revised)

scribbled on small pieces of cloud
that the magpie brought us
when she was so inclined

or when we had enough sweet mercury dimes
to purchase the paperbacks so sublime
in grade school

maybe we found the directions to the Castle
or looked through our half blown
swirly rainbow bubbles backyard breeze ferried
clear through to the next town over

you know as they say the town that time forgot
or I am caught in several stories at once
with the notes on index cards for easy reference

how wonderful when homework turned out to be
a soliloquy on nancy drew mysteries
a golden prowl at the Alcott orchards

golden apples shaken down.
the weather when it was sere
in Jane Eyre year to year.
I bless the life of the mind
extended into overtime from childhood on

into lustrous stories berry ripe
frost tipped with the dreaming about them
with alternate endings

when the bright red leaves from october's trees,

rained down.

mary angela douglas 4 september 2022; 27 february 2023

Mary Angela Douglas

Mary Angela Douglas

Little Rock, Arkansas United States of America
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