When We Were Younger Poem by Pali Girl S...

When We Were Younger

Times have sure changed
when we were younger.
Your life, family, home, and friends.

We've all grown,
became more mature.
Sometimes people still
want to be young again.

When life changes
you change with it as well.
There is more responsibilities to do.

I like it when I was younger
because it was more fun for me.
You still party and have fun during the age you are.

You understand more,
we get into troubles a lot.
And maybe even more anger managements.

When you were younger that's when
you thought of what you want to be
when you grow up?

I want to be a wizard,
you know those don't exist.
But, now you know that.

When you be a teenager that's
where life is gonna be hard because
your attitude is gonna change.

You make so many friends
at a young age, but as you get
older sometimes friends won't like
you no more.

Stay cool and stay away
from stupid things.
Remember how you
used to be when you were younger.

As people get older
they end up doing
something stupid.
May end up doing drugs,
smoking, drinking, stealing etc.

When you were younger
you knew that wasn't a
good thing for people to do in life.

Stay cool and be yourself.

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