Wherever I Look Poem by PRAVEEN KUMAR English

Wherever I Look

Wherever I look I see your pleasant face
In the vapid world that surrounds me
Like the full moon in the midnight sky;
Wherever I look I see your sparkling eyes
In the clouded surroundings around me
Like the twinkling stars in the newmoon sky.

I see your smile in every live blossom,
Graceful tread in floating silver clouds;
I hear your speech in immortal rhymes
Carried piggyback on rhythms of music;
Everything beautiful reminds your presence,
It transcends my present to immortal past.

Wherever you are, it is a beautiful world,
Your presence itself brings there golden halo
Like the sun brings light to light the day;
Wherever you are, there is peace and bliss,
Your presence itself flow rare elegance there
Like full moon spreads milky light a'where.

I see your presence in this imperfect world
That emwraps me for all grief day and night
To soothe old wounds and enliven my soul;
No bridges I can build across to your world
While ocean of fires flows between our worlds,
So I discovered my ways to recreate you here.

Like ant-hill is raised to bridge Earth and heaven,
Noway worn fancies meet colossal needs I have
To reach, meet, blend and forever we dissolve
To one in peace, bliss and absolute contentment;
Famished soul does seek you in bright things
I discover in vapid things breathing around.

Truly tired I'm of this wholly imperfect world
And more and more I need your face and smile
To lull my soul and quiet the bruised heart;
Your thoughts like a lullaby does calm my life,
Enlivens me within to face more odds around,
But, none of it is like finding you where you're.

Wednesday, July 5, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: love,life
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