While I Am In This World Poem by Abhay Vignesh Liginlal

While I Am In This World

The world unfolds like a flower before my consciousness
While I am a fragment of some greater truth and life is my delusion
Swaying fortunes are like the play of colours on the wings of a butterfly
While I am a puppet of fate and my habits are bound to a pendulum;

The world emerges through the window of light into my life everyday
While I am a meter of gods symphony in the great hall of time
Fate lines are like the growth of symmetry on the surface of a snowflake
While I am a passenger in the train of life bound to the station of death;

The world spreads in its background the light in the sky of our mind
While we are chord vibrant in chorus bringing in nature’s concert
Mood swings are like the dance of ripples on the surface of water
While I am an illusion in the mirror of god seen by just you all;

The world has sprouted as a leaf on the stem of creation
While we are the many drops of water sustaining life on this desert
Forgotten love is a fragrance lost in the wind in search of a soul
While I am cursed to wander forever in the darkness of loves ignorance;

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