Who Am I? Who Are You? Poem by Susan Williams

Who Am I? Who Are You?

Rating: 4.9

I fell under their spell when I was 4,
fell under their hooves when I was 13,
fell off a mountainside with them when I was 29,
and will ride them to the day I die
and count my life well spent.
I love B-I-G books,
I love small books,
I love classics, histories, mysteries, and 'ologies,
I love books that reach me, teach me, and take me places I've never been,
I don't love waste of time books.
I cannot meet a dawn,
set a sun,
take a breath,
or ride a horse
without wanting to write it down.
of all kinds
and all textures
in all places
of the heart
and the soul.
He is my Heavenly Father
now taking care of my earthly Father
He has given me good things to give me ease
and given me challenges to make me strong
and given His Son Christ Jesus to bring me back home.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~©2012 Susan Williams
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~edited January 31,2017

Monday, February 6, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: likes,love and life
Bharati Nayak 07 February 2017

Your questions in the title stirs the mind to go deep to find an answer, 'Who Am I' is the question which is basic to all philosophical or spiritual quest.The five things you love to do - -Your love for horses, love to read, love to write, love for kindness and love for God define your personality that aspire for five finer aspect of life.- -Horse for strength and progress, physical and mental, reading is about quest of knowledge, writing is expression of self, love for kindness speaks about your kindred heart, love for God is your spiritual quest..It is really a marvelous poem- -another gem from your pen, thanks for sharing.

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Susan Williams 07 February 2017

It does seem to me that the things we love to do tell so much more than a list of adjectives would do. If I said energetic, it does say something but what exactly? ? ? If I say mountain climber, oh, my, we start thinking of words like brave, strong, agile, nature lover, daring and adventurous. I would love to see what things you do that would define you- - we already see behind your poetic pen there is a beautiful articulate artistic sensitive soul... but what else would we see if you listed five things you love?

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Mj Lemon 08 February 2017

Amazing, Susan. This is really thought provoking. As I read and reread this poem, I realized that question, Who am I? is one that we probably never ask others to answer. I wonder if that has anything to do with being wary, concerned, or even afraid of the possible answers. Or is it that we are resolute in the belief that we are the only ones who can provide a valid response? Again, really well done and thought provoking. A 10 for sure. PS....falling off a mountain...that did not sound good.

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Dr Dillip K Swain 07 December 2022

I sincerely admire your stature as a good equestrian! Loved this wonderful poem. Top score!

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Susan Williams 22 October 2020

Soran! ! ! ! I too am finding it difficult to find a poem by you that I haven't read before. But I shall persevere- I often find so much more in a poem lying waiting to be discovered upon the second or third or fourth reading and so I am enriched by returning so let us not apologize to each other for reading deeper and enjoying richer! Thank you for finding these elements of my personality to be likeable- -I shall continue to skip over the less pleasant aspects of my personality! ! ! ! !

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Soran M. H 13 October 2020

I LOVE KINDNESSES of all kinds and all textures in all places of the heart and the soul.

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Soran M. H 13 October 2020

Susan: Who Am I? Who Are You? Emily: I'm Nobody! Who are you?

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Susan Williams 22 October 2020

Even an imaginary person is somebody, never a nobody

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Soran M. H 13 October 2020

These days are difficult for me to read one of your poetry and I did not write a comment on it, but I am keep reading all your poems carefully, you are from the generation of serious and good poets, here in this lovely piece of work you chose 5 types of companionship that paint for us your clear, beautiful personality Horses, books, writing, kindness, Lord if there was not poetry, we would not have known these important facts, well done, it is so marvelous deserves 5 stars and more

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Susan Williams 22 October 2020

I too am finding it difficult to find a poem by you that I haven't read before. But I shall persevere- I often find so much more in a poem lying waiting to be discovered upon the second or third or fourth reading and so I am enriched by returning so let us not apologize to each other for reading deeper and enjoying richer! Thank you for finding these elements of my personality to be likeable- -I shall continue to skip over the less pleasant aspects of my personality! ! ! ! !

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