Who Knew Poem by Britney Hogue

Who Knew

Rating: 5.0

Who knew a soul as mine
Could be brought down
To this, a painful death
By only one individual
My soul was as such
Dying a slow painful death
As a result of an others affairs

I must say I was darkly blind
Or was I just completely numb
Unable to feel the burning wounds
Or unable to see the gaping holes
These he in vainly created
The night he went with another
And the year leading to it all.

Who knew a soul as mine
Could be mended so quickly
And brought back from the brink
By only one individuals love
This such was my own
When I met the only one
Who was but my other half

It must have been the bond
Or was unconditional love
That erased the deep scars
And sealed the bleeding holes
This my lover performed
On a spring moonlit night
As our souls walked side by side


Britney, your poem led me on a journey through carefully crafted stanzas of seven lines of a story of love lost and love found. The imagery of 'to see the gaping holes' and 'seal the gaping holes' did it for me! Your poem is excellent in every way! 10 Karin Anderson

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Britney Hogue

Britney Hogue

somewhere but no where/ Oklahoma
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