Why Poem by kayla tucker


Rating: 5.0

why am i here?
i cant see a thing i feel something grab me from behind
its so cold freezin me
i cant breath
i fall to the ground and inhale in but not out
i cant catch my breath
im dying in a cold place everything goes black next thing i know im sweating
im in hell a black figure is carrying me i try to scream but im tied up i start to become scared until this man steps out of the darkness in to the light
he grabs me and sets me down
he scares the other guy away
he unties me and goes back to work i look around and realize im in hell
he goes back into the darkness and motions for me to come to him
i get up and walk to him but i still ask to this day WHY! ! ? ? ?
why what u ask why did he save me well i guess now is that he loves me yes i know a demon in love with a vampire its true
but still i ask my self why did he pick me to save, love and be with me
he told me it is for love now we are married
there are no more why questions but one how do we have kids? ?
love u babe my husband

Mel Vincent Basconcillo 13 April 2009

a meaningful poem indeed

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kayla tucker

kayla tucker

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