Without Falling Over [rev] Poem by Margaret Alice Second

Without Falling Over [rev]

Slam-Dunk - right in the middle of an allergy
attack; let me hasten to add, caused by me,
lest anyone think I'm a victim - the facts of
the matter are I am the attacker; I chose to
eat caramel-coated nuts - knowing full well
my system's balanced a hair's breadth from
impending doom after a weekend of cookies
& sticky toffee pudding; I'll attempt accepting

Punishment responsibly and personally, not
blaming external factors or by projecting my
feelings onto other things; bored as I am with
chemical imbalance making the world seem
unreal, as if I'm incarcerated behind a grey
mist which won't lift so I can find meaning in
breathing, sitting in paradise unable to enjoy
my great surrounds, what fitting punishment

For one who eats everything while knowing
that by abstaining she'd enjoy better time on
earth; luckily, rational arguments have never
been much of an influence - waiting patiently
till oppressing lethargy lets up and I can think
and plan again, right now the only idea filling
me with joy is sleep, my eyes kept shut until
I can see again, feeling blood pulsing in my

Arteries; my short-term goal's slumbering in
front of TV, watching animal programmes -
losing consciousness and vegetating in that
state until I can stand without falling over….

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