Words To Float [3] Poem by Irvan Hermawan Saichu

Words To Float [3]

Rating: 2.7

I do not know where all this took me, I will be with
I was stretching the universe, my star in {fantasy}
Talking with everything with my language
Period time will not let you go at my mercy {universe itself in the grip of the power of Allah}
All of the universe and all eternity
There will be a true power over heretics {Allah keep the power to torture}
In the undefined and the heretics there is excess
He is beyond any power, whoever, whenever {at the mercy of Allah, no one can escape from His power}
And her own soul is not ruling him
The desired effect is to deny yourself
Giving strength to the weakness of trying to understand
All the same, and all in vain {all over the wisdom of Allah, not in vain}
Free, no go wherever gravity affected
Free, unlimited so any definition of {Islam is the survivor wishes }
All men are adulterers, drunkards, sinners {not all, there are pious}
All human beings are evil, hypocritical, corrupted {not all}
Nothing important was the willingness of the willing, take this fact
All will open....The fact is that the main {my enemy should not be doing that, should accept the reality that was destined sincerely Allah}
Similarly, the want, but I was obedient to the rules of the game
That all this would happen by the heretics deny { heretics IS DEVIL A TRAP}
In every story that was not his story or vice versa
Hair that date was telling me all the time
But in every other things are different definitions
Do no attempt to deny the heretics {if not in accordance with the instructions of Allah then we deny}
Who could shimmer wherever
Regarding the stories that always hovered in the depth of meaning

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