Wrong Side Step Poem by phillip seymore

Wrong Side Step

art of deception
loss of identity loss of detection
under the worlds scope of inspection
classified as a C section
ripping out my brains intestines for my cerebral cortex to reach vortex to give poor checks
for they earn as much as the boss lets
so soon as opportunity becks, he flex
seeing a woman in debt
with a son an father that have not yet met
surviving off Chex living from check to check
and bets he can fix it all wit a check
in compensation for neck
with no head on on her shoulders she lets
wasnt hesitant to reject
not concentrating on future regrets
closing the memory out of her mind and moving on to the next
inhaling drugs into the chest to bench press the stress into something less
without a second guess letting the world get the best
living with a cancerous vest eating at her soul as it lays on top of her chest
putting her incline in regress
getting poked by the corner as she changes her dress
changes from a desk to a skirt thats revealing her flesh
No longer mom cause the pavements calling her fresh
son is mess
no longer seeing his mom in the west east north nor south
questioning each man is his father thats been leaving his house
her flames been dosed
no longer fighting food but fighting for her drugs
all cause she side stepped on the path that she loved.....

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