Yesterday's Promises Poem by Subhas Chandra Chakra

Yesterday's Promises

Rating: 5.0

One Day it would...
The Sun has never set, for ever.
The moon has never betrayed,
The Clouds have never stopped flying,
The Ocean has never numbed,
The eyes have never ceased to dream,
The droplets of dew, of tears at night
Have never gone dry at all!

They were there, all along...
When you talked to my heart,
When you whispered into my ears,
When you sang in my name,
When you wrote to me each day,
When you kissed my worries away,
When you predicted my dangers,
When you felt them all strangers,
When you blew with the breezes,
When you flew over the bridges
That separated or tried to
Keep us away, alien, at bay! !

Now that you are no more,
No more with me nor with them
Mundanely no more far,
Far from your soul mate, Who-
Promised to be with, within
And without You,
Here or there, This or That far! ! !

Tuesday, March 22, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: love and friendship,soul mates
Edward Kofi Louis 09 May 2016

The Sun has never set, for ever! ! ! Thanks for sharing this poem with us.

7 0 Reply

Thanks for the lovely and inspiring remarks.

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Anita Aparajita Das 16 May 2016

They were there, all along... When you talked to my heart, When you whispered into my ears, When you sang in my name, When you wrote to me each day, When you kissed my worries away, When you predicted my dangers, When you felt them all strangers, When you blew with the breezes, When you flew over the bridges Ah beautiful.. since when have you ventured into this, Subhas? Love it and a rating of 10 out of 10. Nitu

7 0 Reply
Sabita Sahoo 08 June 2016

When you talked to my heart, When you whispered into my ears, When you sang in my name, When you wrote to me each day, When you kissed my worries away, When you predicted my dangers, When you felt them all strangers, When you blew with the breezes, When you flew over the bridges That separated or tried to Keep us away, alien, at bay! ! of expression. Lovely poem. Thanks poet.

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Seema Sharma Rimi 28 April 2016

They were there, all along... When you talked to my heart, When you whispered into my ears, When you sang in my name, When you wrote to me each day, When you kissed my worries away, When you predicted my dangers, When you felt them all strangers, When you blew with the breezes, When you flew over the bridges That separated or tried to Keep us away, alien, at bay! Felt much excited to read the stanza, I remember some moments of the past That gave this type of feeling. Thank you Sir for getting me back to the past. I rate it as 10.

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Robert Murray Smith 05 May 2018

The song of a romantic poet.+++10 Rbert

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alan brown 20 April 2018

thank you for posting this poem Subhas, enjoyed reading Alan

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Anita Aparajita Das 22 September 2017

What a beautiful poem on pure, passionately craved love.

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Sabita Sahoo 22 September 2017

Far from your soul mate, Who- Promised to be with, within And without You, Here or there, This or That far! Nice poem shared. Thanks poet. 10+++

3 0 Reply
D Priyanka Singh 22 September 2017

When you talked to my heart, When you whispered into my ears, When you sang in my name, When you wrote to me each day, When you kissed my worries away, When you predicted my dangers, When you felt them all strangers, When you blew with the breezes, When you flew over the bridges That separated or tried to Keep us away, alien, at bay! ! Beautiful poem, thanks for sharing,10+++

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Subhas Chandra Chakra

Subhas Chandra Chakra

Sainkul, Anandapur, Odisha, India
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