Your Breath With Mine....Excerpt....The Breath Of Heaven Poem by Jayita Bhattacharjee

Your Breath With Mine....Excerpt....The Breath Of Heaven

Two breaths mingling as One,
Two eyes gazing in the blush of a love,
Two lips yearning to meet, Thine with Mine.
Heaven seems to be a place with You.
The fondling of rose amidst this weeping rain,
The caressing of souls in this sobbing night,
Thy lips whispering music of an eternal spring,
Thy hands weaving a poem of a melodious love,
Is this the moment, when Heaven comes down on Earth?

The moment of welcome ever on Your cheek,
As You meet the starlight in My eyes,
The moment of greeting ever on My cheek,
As I meet the moonlight in Your soul,
Thou dost taste the light in My eyes,
I must taste the light of thy soul,
As in this light, glows the enchant of our Love.

See, how Your soul dips in Mine,
to seek the amorous breath Of love,
how Your heart leaps inside of Mine,
To find the breath of heaven,
that You and I have been In search of since time began.
A timeless love hung aloft The sky,
with amorous lips apart in search of a timeless kiss,
A kiss that brought two souls in search of One another.
A meeting that destined and designed by heaven's golden bliss.

Tears glistening in Your eyes, tears glistening in My eyes,
Is this the tears that danced heaven in Our eyes?
The denial of never to feel it, the fear of feeling this wild rapture,
A rapture that breathes heaven in Our souls,
A rapture that leaves an ecstasy of enchantment,
Yet the delicious agony to feel this truth,
the fear to brace it in Our hearts,
let it chase You and Me,
To dance till the end of life and beyond,
So, heaven can rain down on Our souls amidst all ephemera.

.....Jayita Bhattacharjee

Your Breath With Mine....Excerpt....The Breath Of Heaven
Thursday, January 30, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: love and life
Jayita Bhattacharjee

Jayita Bhattacharjee

Calcutta, India
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