Zoo-Osophy Poem by Francie Lynch


Rating: 5.0

I read Noah brought the animals in;
And with them brought in
All our sins.
But virtues too were marched within,
And Noah saved them in their skin.

The lion with his wrathful claws,
Like armies with their blood-stained jaws.

The peacock arrayed in full feathers,
Can't hide his pride like big screen actors.

The snake that dropped from the tree,
Moults rejected love with envy.

The toad, the food chain's first to feed,
Like government is filled with greed.

The goat devours like the locust,
Like senseless lovers consumed with lust.

The smallest snail in silken cloth,
Moves like justice, slow as sloth.

The pig avoids austerity,
Like politicians dine with gluttony.

Other animals Noah rescued
Saved humanity by their virtue.

The swan disdains adultery
By embracing life-long chastity.

The camel slurping with prudence,
Eludes drought through temperance.

Birds feed their fledgling adeptly
With mouth to mouth charity.

The beaver known to be a nuisance
Will dam your life with dilligence.

The dog whose loyalty is constant
Waits and wags with patience.

A horse that's never riderless
Will run all day with kindliness.

The gentle lamb of allegory
Is Christ-like in humility.

The ark may not be history,
But works explaining humanity
Through eons of mythology.
He didn't really bring them in,
They weren't in danger,
We're in their skins.

Monday, May 11, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: acting,adultery,anger,animals,bible,birds,blood,chastity,christ,christianity
1552 / 1480
Francie Lynch

Francie Lynch

Monaghan, Ireland
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