Pranab K Chakraborty Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Donkey Knows, Man Not

Even a donkey knows well
what the skin is
nothing but simply the cover to make tight
flesh and blood together encircling bones

Blistering Battle

nice your touch that touches my nice
morning aflame blows serene at shrine
nice your choice of feathering the fathom
height beyond high ever clinging the clinks

Paradox Of Practicality

practicality ignites futile dodges
impracticality arbitrates soul to high
wide emancipation pledges the life
to feel to fly where none gone before

Past And A Poet

a dark avenue bordered by trees
a man walking on the asphalt alone
nearing an art village ancient
only a horse somewhere

Are You A Dreamer Please!

saddles are broken
rein unbound
riding inevitable

Word Mechanism Behind A Poem

haunted by a word from the very morning
as soon as morning opens its door to give us birth again
a word follows my nail tips, my tongue tips, my minor fracture
in the left leg little finger where a pain of wound

Pumping Protocol

Pranab k c

Lines are lost from the morning page

A Killing, Its Not Love

Talk less and stand quiet
Your lamentation has lost its viability
And when you tried much to touch
I was with your touch

The Shameless Charmer

Winter appears again
With its lost merit
Reviving again
Its high passion

Beyond The Personal Property

above a sky so lovely yet
a sky no longer any property owned
by any lunatic emperor

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