Hit Title Date Added
My Sun, Moon And Stars

My sun is now losing halo,
Can it ever become hollow?
Time and space's distances rule
How it shows, not its true soul;

Cosmic Dictates

You came twice; I was one,
And you went round all over,
And came back freshly dressed;
I remained same old guard,

Fittest Only Survives

Bend not, people bring you to the knee;
Come not to knee, they force to their feet
And further try to trample over your crown;
It is how is made survival of the fittest,

Broken Bridges

Bridges, broken; blinding night,
Dusk decayed to chilling blight,
Directionless in confusions fraught,
Lonely island in midst of naught,

Infinity, Naught And Existence

Infinity lies in womb of naught,
Naught lies in infinity's womb,
In-between lies grey existence
In fluid of light spreading around

Tsunami Of Joy

My palms perfectly crowning on hers,
I gently contracted my hold on it
To the joyous choking of her long breaths
While moving harder and deeper inside

All Roads Lead Somewhere

Deviations, deflections, refractions, rebellions -
Seed of basic growth to diversifications,
Enrichment along the course of tribulations,
Bold trials on dark roads to move somewhere,

She Is My Truth

Sweet, sincere, simple, selfless, she's,
Heaven's dazzling pure glow in human form;
Kind, honest, warm, and modest in soul,
She brings peace, ease, comfort by presence.

Her Absolute Truth

Blown full bloom at dawn, withered at dusk,
What is the truth of these two?
Full of green at spring, bare in autumn,
Both are truths in seasons unfurled.

Long I Travelled

I spared not mysteries of this world,
I scared not to tread unknown world,
I spread wings across far away horizons
I stared endlessly new moon dark nights

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