My Sun, Moon And Stars Poem by PRAVEEN KUMAR English

My Sun, Moon And Stars

My sun is now losing halo,
Can it ever become hollow?
Time and space's distances rule
How it shows, not its true soul;
Mammoth are distances,
Clouds, rocks and heavenly bodies,
Billions in numbers in huge spaces
Creep, disturb and cast shadows,
Degrade the glow to distant eyes;
But, sun is sun, never diminishes,
My sun is now losing halo,
But, can't it ever become hollow.

My moon is on to new moon now,
Night thickens, brightness wanes,
Silvery clouds go frighteningly black;
No birds sing, no flowers bloom,
Pleasant breezes, frozen; stillness reins,
Hopes, shattered; dreams, scattered,
Distant horizons look obscure;
A passing phase in cosmic circle,
It's a phase in natural cycle;
Moon, untouched; moon, bright as ever,
Moon, so splendent, cool, pure as ever,
Soon begins to wax to full moon state.

My stars in disarray, scattered around,
No more as bright as it should be;
Twinkles are gone; glitters, vanished,
Nothing now reaches my inner layers,
As unknown fence rises ‘tween us;
I lost my count and directions of them
In thickening night that shrouds me over;
My sun is now losing his halo,
On to new moon is my moon,
What more I hope than I have?
Nothing is lost; all is bright, hale,
Cyclic aberrations do scare soul.

Wednesday, May 4, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: life,love
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