Cosmic Dictates Poem by PRAVEEN KUMAR English

Cosmic Dictates

You came twice; I was one,
And you went round all over,
And came back freshly dressed;
I remained same old guard,
But alas, nothing really changed.

It was repeat of old tale -
I forgot, you remembered all,
When I remembered, you forgot,
And our tracks ran parallel -
Pain and grief, no meeting ground.

When goal is same; source, same,
In-between process, tied together,
Discordance why thus choking us?
Symphony is soul, we're tuned,
Why to and fro we do dance?

Nothing in us brought us all these,
Outside world conspired against -
No choice but to crush our souls;
You chose to bend and follow rules,
I sought holes to build a bridge.

Same goal while crossed in paths,
Pain and grief in friendship occur;
Tossed in air, we fell on each other,
Bled in love, we hurt each other -
In joy in grief, and in grief in joy.

Mere tools in cosmic play,
We played our roles to perfection
While kept our souls free, untouched;
Though hurt and bled at every turn,
We, ready to restart and sail together.

It's day and night, and day again,
While in sun I waited all along;
Nothing changed, crisis deepened,
I, in daylight; you, in fresh robe,
Couldn't build bridge, resurrect us.

You're in night, and I was in day,
How night and day ever meet?
A play, dawn and dusk, we played,
But alas, it's dusk that prevailed,
We drowned in night's expanse.

In the womb of night we do throb
And hope to find a vent to dawn;
In fresh robes, and in fresh dawn
We hope to meet, meet our hopes
And sail along cosmic dictates.

Monday, May 9, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: life,love
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