Rajendran Muthiah Poems

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Medicine Of Six Herbals [8 - 10, Aelaadhi In Tamil]

8.Disagreeing to kill others, desire of oneself not to kill a being, helping the grieving sick to relieve from the disease, not being drowsy in ignorance, living in conformity with the ideas given in the works of great men, and doing the acts needed are the six qualities which makea man noble.

9.The conceit of doubting the wisdom of the great, not considering the kin as the kin, giving food, medicine, shelter and clothes to the poor,
and the greedless ascetics will be honoured by all as the wise,

Medicine Of Six Herbals [11 - 14, Aelaadhi In Tamil]

11.The ideas of a resolute personwho slits hisdesires which pass through his five sensoryorgans will be great. If he doesn't cut his greeds which pass through the five sense-organs, , thoseelephant-like senses while passing through the five holes will be giving
unbearable pain.

12. The place to learn about murder, the water-bodies inundated with floods around, the place of gambling, the prison to aggrieve people, the place to train the warring elephants, and the elephants and the chariots-it is good for the people not to want them or see them.

Medicine Of Six Herbals [15 - 17, Aelaadhi In Tamil]

15.The essential qualities for a person are not being angry with eye-like friends, Joining the group of people of erudite learning,
not accompanying the women who speakthe words on melody and music, not hiding the secrets from them and not denying help to the needy though little is available.

16.Remembering the greatness of those who renounced, giving essential things to those who not renouncing, speakingwords of reverence

Medicine Of Six Herbals [18 - 20, Aelaadhi In Tamil]

18.Being lascivious with women, squandering the self-earned wealth,
hunting the deer-like animals, drinking the unhealthy toddy, playing the scourging gambling, speaking harsh words, and battling often being ill-tempered are the qualities from which if one is off, one is fit for leadership.

19.Not killing other beings, not liking others to do murders, not telling lies, not desiring another's wife, not joining the company of the lowly people, not flapping the ears to hear the secrets of others, and being dumb in speaking bitter words are the sevennatural

Medicine Of Six Herbals [23 - 25, Aelaadhi In Tamil]

23.Don't see one' character, don't see one's wealth, don't consider one's appearance, don't give value to marriage, don't respect one's holiness, and don't look at one's kin.One who hates the leg-chaining domestic life, treats the valuable books of the great as the guards at the gate of god of death.

24.Disease, birth, ageing, dying, distressing moaning due to loss, the nature of poverty Which doesn't say ‘enough', all these have quick access to a man.Like the actors who change their make-up often, without suffering by alternate birth and death, if one chooses the life of renunciation, it will bring benefits to him.

Crushing The Vestal Charm

O, my sweet wench! You gave me your small heart,
little mite, my soul and body to gain.
Love is a ship tossing in the rough sea;
it reaches ashore if god blesses both.

Medicine Of Six Herbals [26 - 28, Aelaadhi In Tamil]

26.Acquiring good qualities; probing and knowing from several books; the blooming mien; fearlessness to foes; erudition attained
with self-control; word-command that attracts others, and knowing the time with talents- these qualities, on thinking we find, they give the envoys the world-renown.

27.Don't covet things of others; oust your anger and don't see the bad scenes are the advice of the wise men. If anyone doesn't like these three things, it isn't hypocrisy.If anyone likes to do these three evil things, be sure that does these acts for some reasons of one's own. Don't keep such acts in mind.

Medicine Of Six Herbals [29 - 30, Aelaadhi In Tamil]

Medicine Of Six Herbals [32 - 34, Aelaadhi In Tamil]

32."O, you maiden with tresses decked out in beetles swarming flowers! One who doesn't boast of the greatness of one's clan and praise of the pride of one's noble birth, blame not the faults ofthe inferior people, doesn't display one's wealth, personal life and its boundaries, and give the poor without denying and then eat will be the head of the gods".

33."O, you maiden with tresses alike the peacock-feathers! One who tells not lies, doesn't insult anyone, makes no slanders with anyone, hides the truth to allay the misery of others, doesn't make it public the wealth one hasand doesn't lay bare one's povertyto the friend are the qualities which make him leader of the gods in heaven on departing the earth".

Medicine Of Six Herbals [35 - 37, Aelaadhi In Tamil]

35."O, you maiden speaking melodious words! To the ascetics, guests, the poverty-stricken, the unseen people of the deserts, the unmatchable poor, the unprotected young ones, and the noble people, he who shares the food got by good means with them, will rule this world as a king in his next birth.

36.He who gives abundant food to the lame who can not walk, the sightlessblind, thespeechless dumb, thepersons abandoned by all, and the foolish people who have no knowledge of the books, will be liked by all the gods in heaven.

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