Rajendran Muthiah Poems

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Forty Pleasant Quatrains [27 - 29]

28.It is laudable valour to give refuge to the refugees.
It is admirable not to live when honour is gone.
It is relishing to ignore the faults of someone
and uphold the merits in mind.

Forty Pleasant Quatrains [30 - 32]

31.It is good to be thankful for the beneficence received from one.
It is humane not to be a one-sided witness in the assembly
delivering justice.Coveting not the thing handed over for upkeep
in the hope of no one knows, is pleasurable indeed.

Forty Pleasant Quatrains [34 -

34. It will bring glory and joy if you do things liked by your
town-folks. It is mirthful for a leader to rule with untiring
efforts.It is gladsome for a great king to cease the fight
in the battlefield where the sword fights with the sword.

Forty Pleasant Quatrains [34 - 37]

34. It will bring glory and joy if you do things liked by your
town-folks. It is mirthful for a leader to rule with untiring
efforts.It is gladsome for a great king to cease the fight
in the battlefield where the sword fights with the sword.

Forty Pleasant Quatrains [38 - 41]

38.It is blithesome to think of the youth as old-age.
It is joyous to hear terror-free, terrific news from the relations.
To think of the bamboo-shouldered, tender-shoot like maids
as the venom is gleeful.

Forty Quatrains On Rainy Season [1 - 4]

1.A garland like the bow of god, Indira adorns
the billowy sea-veined chest of Lord Thirumal.
The clouds crowd and burst in the rainy season.
The hero will keep his word and come in the evening.

Social Smugglers

The farmers, tillers and the farm-workers in India
must worship Kancha Ilaiah Shepherd, the social scientist
with folded hands, for the probe he launched from Gupta's rule
on the exploitation of the productive castes.

Forty Quatrains On Rainy Season [5 - 8]

5.O, heroine with black dyed arrow-like eyes!
As ruby flowers scattered, the insects crawl in forest lands.
The neighbours will mock her if her hero fails to come.
Knowing this he'll certainly come back.

Forty Quatrains On Rainy Season [9 - 12]

9.The Karuvilai buds like the eyes burst open in the season of fall.
The Thondri buds too blossom like the burning flames. Our hero said
some sweet words which made the bangles in forehand to loosen
when he departed. The events of the fall signal his arrival.

Forty Quatrains On Rainy Season [13 - 16]

13.O, woman with beautiful base belly! Rain showers
like our great hero's fair hair. Streaks of lightning
flash across the clouds in the sky like the king's sword
severs an elephant. These are the signs for our hero's return.

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