Rajendran Muthiah Poems

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Lamenting At The Eventide (By St. Thiruvalluvar)

1221. O Time! You are not the Eve but the final hours
To take the life of the divided wedded lovers.
1222. O darksome Eve! You too lament! I hail thee!
Is your spouse also cold-hearted like that of mine?

Ignorance (By St. Thiruvalluvar In Tamil)

841.Want of knowledge is the greatest of all wants.
Lack of anything else will not be deemed as a want.
842.A simpleton’s bounty with a pleasing heart is nothing but
the grace of the receiver’s good deeds of his last birth.

Transcience (By St. Thiruvalluvar In Tamil)

331.It is base for the stupids to think of temporal things
As stable ones.
332.Amassing wealth likens the gathering of a crowd in a dance hall.
As the crowd disperses, wealth ceases.

Assertion Of The Strength Of Virtue (By St. Thiruvalluvar)

31. Glory and wealth, virtue brings.
What greater gain can be obtained from other things?
32. Virtue alone affords more benefits in life.
Forgetting of it makes one fall in worse strife.

On Self-Control (By St. Thiruvalluvar In Tamil)

121.Self-control elevates to the realm of immortals.
But indulgence takes one to step in the hellish portals.
122.Guard your self-control as a great treasure.
No other gain to human life is of greater measure.

Decaying Desire In Eyes (By St. Thiruvalluvar)

1171.These eyes showed me him and caused a lasting sickness.
Then why should they now weep for his presence?
1172.Why do these dyed eyes bear the pain now
Which unwittingly looked at him?

Power In Action (By St. Thiruvalluvar)

661.The power in action is nothing but one’s power in mind.
All other powers are of different types.
662.Not doing criminal acts and once done not being vexed,
Are the two ways of the learned ministers.

Wanton Women (By St. Thiruvalluvar)

911.Choice armlets wearing wanton women seek not you with love
Want your wealth and their sweet words will prove ruin.
912.The strumpets weigh up your wealth and speak sweet words.
You Weigh such women’s conduct and abandon them.

The Possession Of Patience (St.Thiruvalluvar In Tamil)

151.As the earth bears up the diggers
It is excellent virtue to bear with the abuse of others.
152.To forbear one’s transgressions is always good.
To forget them is better than it.

Charity (By St. Thiruvalluvar In Tamil)

221.To give something to the needy is charity.
All else given for some returns do not have parity.
222.Even if it guides you in ways good, to beg is ill.
Though the heaven were denied, to give is good.

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