Rajendran Muthiah Poems

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Four Pearls Inlaid Ornament [ 88- 90]

88. The seers know the meaning of the four holy hymns.
The wise kings ensure just rule and win the hearts of all.
The ornament for the wise is their good character.
The women worship their husbands and not other gods.

Laugh In Silence

1. Wears light and fine clothes
for the boys to see through them.
" It's my right", she says.

Four Pearls Inlaid Ornament [94- 96]

94. The tippler knows the pain of not drinking toddy.
The lark knows the ache of not getting water.
A polygamist knows the misery of poverty.
A thief knows the agony of hiding things.

Four Pearls Inlaid Ornament [97- 99]

97. A good man's fame never wanes by a slur cast on him.
Iron contains impurities even if you wash it down.
Punishment to the low-born never amends them.
The low-born exhibits mean nature even if you try to correct him.

Four Pearls Inlaid Ornament [100- 101]

100.It's a crime to rear other lives to kill and eat.
It's also a crime to buy the flesh of the killed lives to eat.
It's a fault to speak indecent words.
Killing of lives yourself is also a fault.

Troublesome Forty [0- 2, Innaa Naarpadhu In Tamil]

0. Worshipping not the feet of the triple-eyed God, Siva brings misery.
Praying not to the palm-flag bearing Lord Balrama gives grief.
Distress troubles if one forgets Lord Thirumal.
Worshipping not the handsome feet of Lord Muruga will give anguish.

Troublesome Forty [3- 5]

3. It will be painful to live in a country ruled by a despot.
Without a raft, it is difficult to cross deep waters.
A Friendship of the speakers of harsh words is grievous.
Living with an unsteady mind will be distressing.

The Crime Minister

Doing crimes is eating cakes
to this minister, who never shakes
to stretch his itching palms.
Agiitators, he harms

Unpardonable Crime

Those who sully the ancient tongues
by spreading words of alien origin
through visual and aural-oral media,
by naming the children in a built-up tongue

The Birds And The Copse

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