Rajendran Muthiah Poems

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Cherishing The Kin (By St. Thiruvalluvar)

521.It is the kindly nature of the kinsmen to cherish
your past help even when penury comes to you.
522.When one has kinsmen of unabated love
His growing wealth will bring all sorts of fortunes.

To Slim And Sink Being Love-Sick (By St. Thiruvalluvar)

1161.I can hide my love-sickness but it swells
Like the spring in a well as water is drained.
1162.I can’t conceal the pain of love yet the shame checks me
from saying this to my lover who caused it.

To Instruct By Signs (By St. Thiruvalluvar)

1271.Though you hide it, disdaining your controls,
Your black dyed eyes seem to tell something.
1272.Her beauty fills my eyes, shoulders bow like the bamboo
And her womanly simplicity abounds in excess.

Comporting In Royal Presence (By St. Thiruvalluvar)

691. Those who live in the vicinity of the mighty kings
Must be those warming at the fire, neither far nor near.
692. The minister who covets not what the king wants
will receive abundant wealth from the king.

Losing Reticence (By St. Thiruvalluvar)

1251. The axe of love breaks open the door
of chastity, bolted with modesty.
1252. What they call, love that reins my heart
ruthlessly even in the dead of night.

Surrender Of An Award

My Wandering Minstrel

The girl picked my heart
and I chased her in shock.
'What a fall! What a fall! '
Hurled herself into my heart

At Doddabetta Peak!

Fortress (By Thiruvalluvar In Tamil)

741. Essential is the fortress to those who are offensive
And to avoid woes, those prefer to be defensive.
742. A fortress has the fountain of water, vast land and hill
And surrounding forests with cool shade to fill.

Fifty Long Years!

Fifty long years!
Yes, after fifty long years,
my school-mate rang to me
getting my cellphone number

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