Rajendran Muthiah Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Stalking A Crime Or Romance?

Philanthropy [from 'proverbs 400' In Tamil]

372. O, chief of th' water-logged land with burst flowers!
Give a bit to the poor in this birth to get
mega-bucks in the birth next. You hook a small fish[Ayirrai]
into the pond to catch a big one[veral].

Bounty Within Bounds [from 'proverbs 400' In Tamil]

381. In severe drought, the king Pari's young daughter
gave a lot of gold in a boiling pot
as food to a begging bard.

Love And Lust

1. The pull between hearts
two is love. The catching lure
towards all is lust.

Domestic Mores [from 'proverbs 400' In Tamil]

387. Huge wealth, high-born clan, possession of the king,
being identifiable by the king
aren't the desired things for this and the next birth.
Knowing oneself is the prime duty in life.

Renunciation [from 'proverbs 400' In Tamil]

394. People who weigh not wealth and life-time get them
little to enjoy. Don't live with ascetics
but reel in joy at home. Drink not hill-honey
but one from the flowers of the thorny plants.

Are The Lovers Street Dogs?

'Is this a college for men? ', asked a man
seeing the large crowd of boys in that lane.
'This is women's.We're guards
to girls', said some young frauds.'

Music Enslaves The Killers

A Hair-Raising Tale

A little away from the abode of Lord Siva
at Kedharnath in Himalayas, the pilgrims
were thronging around a man sitting
with darting looks at the stream


Invocation to God
1. The moon resembles the shining face
of Lord Thirumal. The Sun with its
emitting rays likens His wheel. The lotus

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