Rajendran Muthiah Poems

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Love, The Sea Of Troubles!

He saw no mast to hold upon
And if drowned, none was there to moan.
No dolphin's back to ride
No charms to tame the tide.

A Sadist's Pleasure

The Worth Of The Benign Smiles

Your benign smiles gleam.
From where you got it to bewitch
this sorrow gulped earth.
Exchange your smiles with my gloom;

Browsing And Commenting On Poems.

It is my habit to read the poems
delivered by the young and old, male and female.
I pick up the poems by title and not by the authors.
Internet helps us to browse and comment on poems,

Walkways Along The Roads

The pedestrians use the walkways
on either side of the road.
There are no jay walkers in Melbourne.
The young and old as well as the children

To Be Or Not To Be?

They ascended the steep staircase up
the lighthouse unrenovated for long.
As she had the niggling fear
of his promise of marrying her,

Peace Swells The Hills

Slaughter Of Cows In Lndia

Desire For Wealth Strays From Love

I won't demand any material things
As Nature has adorned you with beauty,
the matchless dowry, down the heaven flings.
To appraise and enjoy it, ismy duty.

Pentaland Disciplines- Seventy [58- 60]

58." Dear friend! I'm not sure if the hero of the coastal groves where the Punnai trees bear beautiful flowers!So our misery deepens.As our secret union has come out, the foster mother's temperament has changed. It is also cruel. It isn't good if the hero delays my wedding. You go and suggest him", the heroine said.

59." O, you heroine wearing curved ear-studs! The coastal groves abound with the sounds of the birds, the roars of the waves and the whistles of the winds and the sand dunes.The hero of the marina goaded the horses andhad a doubtif the fisher-folk in this hamlet would take it for the sounds of bells tied around the necks of the horses. Thinking of it, the hero who came in the midnight turned back without meeting you. Say this to the hero as the bad omen and marry him soon", pleaded the maid.

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