Ramesh T A Poems

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A Gift Of Poetry!

Before getting a job, there is a lot of time in the world;
But joining a job, job takes a lion's share of life ever;
Jobs we do for supporting the lives of all who depend us;
After sometime, it is felt we have no time for ourselves!

A Cause Noble!

We are born for a noble cause in the world;
God has given the body with His soul to live.
A heart to feel good, bad, joy and sorrow
And a mind to discover truth and route also

Success Of Any Company Lies In Efficiency!

Are the growth and harvest be possible, if the fence itself grazes crops?
Being in a company, if the sleeping partners take away lion's share of profit,
Can the working partners and other workers get any money for survival ever?

Real Progress Of A Democratic Nation!

Healthy patriotism flourishes only by religious harmony, democracy and unity;
To be so, corruption in all ways has to be eliminated in democratic countries;
Political corruption brings dishonest politicians to power to rule nation in bad way;
For that, people have to be careful in selecting candidates in elections forever!

Romantic Love Life Of Paradise!

Romantic love life of paradise is heaven on Earth in the whole Universe;
Love at first sight starts from eyes to heart for mind to compose love songs;
Songs are the food of love that sustains joy and peace of heart long enough;
Adventure of love leads lovers to go ahead against all oppositions to victory!

Blessing Of Nature In Disguise!

At daybreak, there is hot sunshine but calm sans any noise from birds or vehicles;
Though clouds are there, climate is hottest and is why it is called as dumb Sunshine here;
The atmosphere is hot, but cool wind comes mixing with the hot climate in the town;
It is a great relief indicating that somewhere rain is there and will come hero too soon!

Do We Have Friendship Of Astronauts Of Distant Stars!

In search of love, we try to have friendships with many in various walks of life;
Now internet links have made that thing easy to have and explore relations;
But love is not an easy thing to have with anyone at first sight itself as in romantic life;
Many have become machines due to civilization in modern world way of life!

Love Touch!

Whatever is swayed to be the slave of love is good living being whether human or animal;
Love makes even animals humble, humans swayed and angels graceful ever everywhere;
Love only has that magic touch that never fails to make anyone and all only kind and peaceful;
Anyone who knows the knack to love is ever supreme to rule the hearts of all anywhere sure!

Great Record Of Achievements!

Certain rare moments in life that gave joy of no bounds never come often;
Such ones are like Birmingham Common Wealth Games and Indian Chess Olympiad;
Such kind of joy I have also experienced two times in 2005 and 2013 in India;
I got commendable awards for my achievements in Poetry in my Sourashtra community!

Great Poetry!

Great Poetry is
expression of heart, mind and soul
To amuse and inspire all!

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