Ramesh T A Poems

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Poets Are Hidden Treasures Of Mankind Ever!

Real unity among people and nations is possible only by the culture of friendship
As friendship develops beyond all barriers of the world by love and knowledge;
For, love and knowledge only are the unifying aspects of the culture of friendship;
Love and knowledge of art, science, philosophy and Poetry all in one are unique blend!

Thoughts Of Love Life For Joy And Peace!

Love is the essence of romance in Nature that rules all living beings in the world;
World life based on love survives despite cruelties happening quite unimaginable;
Though all are equal, only by adjustments and cooperation life flourishes forever;
Domination and submission between couples keep family still going on sans change!

Nature Is Saving God!

Bright Sunshine was there even before evening, but suddenly dense rain has come;
Winter means rain has to be there and that's what Nature is doing pretty well so;
Continuously for the past four days rains are coming just before evening sure;
Is it a symptom before storm comes or just rainy season's symptom? God knows!

Love And Peace Are The Need Of All!

Love and peace are the need of all needs to be obtained for living life long;
Just technology, money and military weapons cannot bring them to anyone;
Love only can bring peace in the world by providing all needs of men everywhere;
Human culture only turns a brute into human before religion turns one to divinity!

War Of Justice!

Certainly killing is sin, but killing for justice is duty in war of world;
If ignored, the criminals will win destroying morality and humanity;
Whether relatives or friends, if they are wrong, they have to be defeated;
For maintaining justice in world, sans expecting anything war has to be waged!

Nature And Glory None Can Create!

After a long strain in Summer heat, cool cloudy morning is great relief indeed
Like bliss in Nature that ever benevolent host waits to give delicious feast
By the fragrance of flowers everywhere around grass lawns of paradise park
That no one will refuse as it is never before shown privilege by the host sure!

A Sample Gratitude To Nature!

Cool climate amidst the heat waves of Summer still continuing,
The place has become paradise of world thrilling all as a group;
What shall I say of Nature doing such incredible magic again
And again making me compose poem after poem of Nature..!

Without living in harmony with Nature
None can live healthy and long life!
Ramesh T A

Art Works Reflect Quality Of Human Life!

Inspiration kindles love and interest in creative works like paining, music and Poetry;
The happenings in life, world, Nature and Universe kindle thoughts and ideas;
The expressions out of inspiration absorb heart, mind and soul of all by matters unique;
Art pictures, nice music and great poetry have transformed humanity to present status!

Realization Of Great Dream Best For World Peace!

Great dreams are successfully realized by best ideas of high mind;
There also, lucky ones' dreams to have come true in the world;
Of all, dream of creating one world is dreamt by many experts;
Einstein, Russell, H G Wells and all for peace in the world said so!

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