Ramesh T A Poems

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Be Joyful Ever!

Lonely as a deserted lead I fly away by the wind to an unknown place;
While flying so, I think of many things and imagine several ways to catch ideas;
When the wind subsides and like the leaf I settle in a remote place;
I become a Poet and compose a Poem with lines extempore as usual!

Good Finally Wins Any Race!

Truthfulness give fearlessness to face any situation world life;
Life has many difficulties and favourable situations forever;
Ever we have to be careful with time situation everywhere;
Everywhere there will be a lot of problems and joyful time!

One Way Ticket!

One Way Ticket!

Imaginary Time machine was created by novelist H G Wells;
History, newspaper or magazine and Astrology books do

Heaven Is Here Itself!

Melodious songs touching heart much heard I sometime in loneliness;
Tears of eyes came out diluting rheum deposit making me see through mists;
What a relief to year meaningful solacing songs of the past even today;
Videos of songs showing romantic dances in the Brindhawan park made me forget all!

A Grief Message!

When grief stricken
And the heart is full of pain
Of loss of dear one
All beautiful things of Nature

A Time Machine!

Words open a new world
And thorough book knowledge
Makes one see wonders!

A Path Shown By God!

I cannot rely on anyone;
I cannot believe on anything;
God is controlling everything!
I am leading life as to His will.

India, The Land Of Beauty And Greatness! - Ii

The Mother India is Saraswathi, in the North;
This Sakti is Lakshmi in the Central India;
And this Sakti is Parvathi in the South.
This Sakti gives knowledge, wealth and power all!

Beauty, Beauty And Beauty Only!

Never again shall I get another opportunity,
A feast, rare for the eyes to enjoy,
The beautiful colour changes of
The sky before the day ends!

A Poet Ever!

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