Ramesh T A Poems

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For Paradise To Bloom Into Beautiful Flower...!

The dreams, longing and quest for one world of unity and peace is possible
By love only but never by force as world has become modern in love of civilization;
People know by world history that military rule and religious control out dated;
People have faith in knowledge of art, literature, science and technology for progress!

Joy Lies In Love, Unity And Peace!

Real joy in world life lies in the hidden treasure of love, unity and peace;
Peace, beauty and love are what Nature is always for and life sustains ever;
Ever beauty and love attracts all for unity to live life in joy and fulfilment;
Fulfilment solves all problems in the world life whatever things all do here!

Everything Is Illusion Only!

Disaster by wars and disaster by Nature toss world between hope and despair;
In this precarious world, can victory or defeat last long to satisfy certain people;
Nothing is permanent in this world whether properties or men damn sure;
When this is so, what is the use of ego, pride, high or low in everyone's efforts?

Freedom From The Grip Of Time!

The invisible Time Spirit makes all live dancing to its tune everywhere ever;
Ever no one seems to do anything sans seeing time in the world sure;
Sure like Space, Time is realized only by relativity but never visually;
Visually only physical things can be seen but not ghost, spirit and time too!

Ideas Of Creativity Inspire To Do Best!

For everything ideas are needed to perform deeds to achieve anything in world;
World provides a lot of knowledge kindling thoughts generating ideas to work;
Work may be anything to achieve something interesting and useful to all;
All do a lot by creative and inventive ideas using art and science in world life!

Saving Peace!

Saving Nature, Earth can be saved;
Saving Earth, humans can be saved;
Saving humans, life can be saved;
Saving life, love can be saved;

Man Is Nothing Before Nature!

With two weeks to go, year 2022 is coming to an end;
This year we have seen a lot of rains in all months;
Lakes, reservoirs and ponds are overflowing with water;
They have inundated many places and spoiled crops!

Aspire For One World Paradise!

Legendary artists or Poets are the brightly shining Stars of Universe;
Free birds like Skylarks and Nightingales sing their songs flying free ever;
Love, joy, peace and freedom are the aspiration of all human souls;
That is the single aspiration with which legends create all for one world!

Nature Is Ever Great!

Spending time in Nature gives peace and joy unique nothing else can give;
Freshness of mind is regained so to proceed on our daily works better;
Renewal of heart, mind and soul are a must to be hale and healthy;
Such a joy and sense of goodness all can get mingled with beauty of Nature!

Let The New Year Bring Peace And Joy!

Green grasslands as floor carpet everywhere on ups and downs of mountain,
Flowers of many colours and fragrances invite all to visit the paradise;
Fruits of many exotic hill trees provide food to the hungry anytime;
What else one needs to survive anywhere if the Earth is like this sure!

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