Ramesh T A Poems

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Say And Win To Be A Master!

Winning without any steadiness is by fluke chance, but losing by steadiness is fate;
This is commonly witnessed in games like cricket and football and cinema also;
More than the players, spectators and fans are caught in great tension till end;
But it is a great experience to see and undergo before becoming a master in any field!

Nature Is A Lover Of Beauty!

Beautiful Nature's designs of all living beings and things are awesome indeed;
Nature is a great lover of beauty that kindles love in the hearts of all in the world;
Paradise is the best creation of Nature for all to live love and joy forever sure;
Stars twinkling night Sky in the Universe kind dreams of romance to bring nice sleep!

The Spring Of Poetry!

When any creative or inventive work is very interesting, time is not enough ever;
Poetry is one such a work of art that engulfs one if one becomes dedicated to ti;
Ideas flow, poems churned out and days go on unnoticed by the Poet for long;
As in other profession, for want of subject or ideas, one struggles to write Poems!

Live Balanced Life Together!

Cool Southern breeze comes to balance the increasing heat of Summer;
Like for hunger we take food, water for thirst and breathe to be fresh,
Nature has provided everything for and against to balance all for life to go on;
Sans Nature, there is no life and we are nowhere on the Earth our common home!

One World Of Peace!

One World of Peace!

Nature distributes rain as floods by cyclonic storms filling up lakes, rivers and ponds;
That takes place climate change caused by pollution for agriculture, drinking purpose and other works;

Forget Not Nature For Healthy Life!

Forget Not Nature for Healthy Life!

Existence and survival of mankind with all living beings
Are mainly possible only by Nature's love in the world;

A Good Bye To The World!

Pain and dizziness one has to bear in the old age life of the world till end;
All day long taking rest on the bed gives some relief to do something good;
Too much indulgence in any interesting or worrying matters is not possible ever;
Somehow the days are pulled on diverting one's attention on happy news!

Cultural Deterioration Cause Of All Problems!

Climate change is doing greatest havoc in many countries of the world now;
Even then crimes and punishments are not making criminals stop doing crimes;
This shows many don't care for Nature and morality due to neglect of human culture;
Civilization in modern world has not made all advanced and developed!

Beautiful Looking Things Are Outer Cover Only!

Good and beauty natural are rare to see in one or thing in the world;
Distant look enchants the view, but if gone near, danger and ugliness are known;
So, what is beauty? Beauty is truth as truth is natural beauty ever changeless;
Other men or things looking beautiful are artificial cover hiding good, bad and ugly inside!

Who Is Great - Man Or Robot?

Like a robot man works from morning to evening in modern world;
There is no chance for mind and heart to think and feel forgetting spirit ever;
In the machine world, perhaps in future even if one dies, record of brain will work in a robot;
Using his memory of brain installed in a robot will continue his work ever!

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