Ramesh T A Poems

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Beauty Of Nature Is Great Wonder!

Beauty of Nature is divine winder that brings out
Inner feeling, high ideas and truths of an artist;
Poetic art is great creation of man to do that in
Words, another creation of humanity in the world!

Don't Ignore Nature's Warnings!

Nature takes counter measure for all harmful acts of man;
Natural disasters like storms, rains, floods and Earth quakes
Due to pollution and climate change are happening ever;
Nature by doing so, tries to balance itself for the better!

Nature Is All Powerful!

Due to Nature, this world has developed to be a paradise;
Due to man, this world has become modern and civilized;
But due to carelessness of man's mind for cleanliness,
Science and technology have pollution air, water and all!

Aspire For Permanent Victory!

Achieving success is not great but winning humility is;
For, professional perfection in performance brings special respect;
That is most important to achieve in any field of work ever;
Only those working in science, art, philosophy and Poetry do so!

Shake Hands Of Friendship!

Meeting of many friends is possible in the celebration of a function in one place;
It is like many nations gathering together in United Nations Organisation for unity;
What a joy and satisfaction it will give to all friends seeing together in one place;
Such a joy is possible in unity in diversity of nations and people in the world sure!

Live As Angels In One World!

True love never sees differences in age, status, religion, culture, nation and so on;
Love is kind, gentle, humane, helpful, useful, merciful and compassionate in nature;
Love is open, frank, simple, selfless, moves with all as a human to another human;
As religion says God is love, love is divine and starts from mother first in world!

Cherish Friendship For Enjoyable Life!

No sound of birds and squirrels are heard due to intensive heat of Sunshine;
Street itself is silent even after Sunrise in the seashore town here in South;
I hope the wrath of Nature will slowly subside bringing good atmosphere;
We are all creations of Nature and as long as we go with mother, we are well off!

Efficient Modern Machines In Future!

Modern machines give great frustrations to due to malfunction or not working at critical moments;
When working well, it gives great to do all works in accordance with mind's fast ideas;
Otherwise, it is a hell to do to any work interesting with these modern gadgets ever;
Modern machines are there to help for all to do works fast and well in excellence!

Live With New Ideas In The World!

After a hard day's work, it is very solacing to enjoy silent cool night in Summer;
What a pleasure it gives to see the beauty of Stars and some passing clouds;
That is a nice source to have beautiful dream in the sleep soon in the night;
What else one wants other than good sleep in the night to be happy!

A Fame!

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