Ramesh T A Poems

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Friends and all are very careful to deal with him;
He has had a slight heart attack sometime back;

Bewitching Smile Of Sky!

With a few dim Stars among rain clouds
The Sky looks like a dark jewel case ever!
Only the crescent Moon is bright among
All the Stars spread over the long Sky....!

Ancient Beings!

Greys or extraterrestrials are superseding
Angels and demons all are accustomed with!
Many relics of the past in remote areas are
Still puzzling even advanced researchers...!

Love Passion!

Love passion is an eternal fashion of life
And without which procreation is nil....!
All things perishable are bound by rule
Nature has destined for all to follow....!

Two Sides Of Nature!

New Moon comes up despite cyclone and rains heavy
November and December months being for rains ever;
Yet, the Sky is clear and still blue in colour now
With a few Stars visible before night nights comes!

Nature Too Has Feelings As Humans!

Natural change of seasons everyone lovingly welcomes ever;
But climate change at normal season making havoc everywhere
How can anyone appreciate and feel happy for rich growth of
Crops in the farms, where dry climate prevails forever!


Reclining on the bed of crescent Moon, a loving couple journeys
Through Space enjoying heavenly pleasure to forget all worries
Of life and woes of the world and comes across many Stars only;
Coupled lovers represented by Stars shine all over the Universe!

Silent looking Nature is not weak like a meek person ever;
Silence is unique beauty that makes all humble birds, squirrels
And all make musical noise in freedom to sing and dance all day
Long to gather food sans pain and take rest in night in peace!

Prolific Poetry!

Sans amusement or pleasure nothing seems to know
For many in the world of fast mechanical life for all!
Naturally, Epigrammatic expression serves well now
Creating vast opportunity for poetry to flourish ever!

Lesson All Should Learn!

Festivals come often to unite people for good;
But arch villains remain clever as jackal ever;
They separate good peoples by tricks to satisfy
Their inner plan so as to gain what they need!

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