Ramesh T A Poems

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Live As Angels In Earthly Paradise!

There is no Earth like planet has been discovered or created in the Universe;
Earth is miracle happening even today in our Solar system sure;
Green plants, trees with flowers and fruits and grassland are paradise;
In this paradise, we are living as angels do in heaven above ever!

Mechanical Or Natural Life?

Repeatedly doing the same thing makes one do it mechanically;
This is what happening for our daily chores at home with all;
We forget to live natural life and become a machine sans feeling;
After sometime aversion for doing so develops and we hate all!

Experience In Two Sides Of The Same Life!

Garden full of colourful flowers surrounded by fruit trees and grassland
With a house at the centre is Earthly paradise to live in the world;
Experience of life in such a Nature with romance, love, humour, adventure and death
Indeed will give knowledge of tragedy and comedy to live in joy and sorrow sure!

Peace Is The Utmost Necessity Now And After!

Sans happiness and peace, life can't be lived well as in heaven,
But only in hatred and wars, disease and destruction as in hell;
Love and friendship only can pave the way to peace and progress
In unity, cooperation and developments in various fields in the world!

What A Joy And Mood Music Inspires!

Music touches heart, mind and soul and absorbs whole soul no doubt in life;
Whether we see Nature or hear loving words or enjoy beauty or read poetry or not,
Superseding all these, music just by its melodious sound immediately says heart;
That certainly gives best of mood to think fresh, say new ideas and spirit gets rejuvenated!

Forces Of Nature Cannot Be Tamed By Science!

Nature is formed of five elemental forces to create and destruct everything in Space;
Combination of fire, air, water, matter and Space manifests as Nature forever;
With the combination of fire, air and water Nature has created all matters in Space;
In Space, all matters like Stars and planets Nature has created as beautiful Universe!

Spiritual Dance Like The Gyration Of Galaxies!

Spiritual Dance like the Gyration of Galaxies!
Stars and planets gyrating in galaxies are like spiritual dance of God and disciples ever;
Philosophic Lord Krishna has given the boon to high sages to dance as gobikas with Him;
By so doing, they get heavenly bliss as physical pleasure in the Brindawan garden here;

Peace Is Best Panacea For All Ills!

Far from the madding crowd of the world, I have gone in search of peace in Paradise beach;
Beach is the best place free from pollution with the environment of clean air, beauty and peace;
Peace is the best panacea for all the ills of the fast modern world of civilization;
Civilization has brought all technological advancement for life and work leading to problems!

Trees Are The Home For All!

Trees, trees and trees are needed to absorb all smokes emitted by Mills and moving machines;
They only can take in carbon monoxide gas to give out oxygen for the survival of all living beings;
Trees are the home for birds, squirrels, iguanas and chameleons against all weather conditions;
Leaves of trees are friendly, flowers are beautiful and fruits are lovely to satisfy hunger and thirst!

Influence Of Nature, Music And Poetry In Life!

Nature, music and Poetry attract, absorb, inspire and keep up one's spirit high;
Nature ever absorbs heart, mind and soul and inspires whole soul in joy or sorrow;
Music touches heart, lingers in mind and keeps up whole spirit in high status;
Poetry reflects the experience of heart, mind and soul in words that touches all!

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