Ramesh T A Poems

Hit Title Date Added
A Matter Of Fact Thing!

A Matter of Fact Thing!

I am a Poet being a free bird living the last phase of my life;
No one feels, thinks, says and does as I do leaving no option

Fulfilment Of Life By Yoga!

Yoga is wonderful physical breathing exercise in the world sure;
It is like a dance sans music especially like Bharatha Naiya;
It is being practised since ancient time in the world in India;
Now world knows about its great value to life sans any doubt!

A Joyful Mood!

Morning smiling flower is beautiful and lovely;
With beauty and love it brings joy to life ever!
Warbling music of birds cheer up the mood....
And make my day lovely to go ahead with joy!

Soccer Prediction!

Octopus soccer prediction

Decides the victory for world cup

Nature Plays Music!

Nature plays game using sea, wind, tree, sky
Like fingers playing on the key board of piano!
Dashing waves, thudding waves, hissing waves
Are different notes of music of all Nature knows!

A Big Irony!

Three Unique Flowers!

Due to flowers world itself is called as flower world!
Of them lotus, rose and tulip are world renowned ones
Nobody can deny their significance anywhere anytime!

Layer Upon Layer Snow Everywhere!

Piling layer upon layer snow builds mounds;
It has created snow meadows everywhere.....
And things from road to houses and trees.....
All are covered with uniform white snows on!

O Spring Rise Again!

Snow covered places of Earth long for Spring!
But tropical places have rich growth of green
Plants and trees full of flowers and fruits sure
According to the seasons of the year nonstop!

Do Not Impose Ideas On Others!

Do not impose ideas on others for God’s sake!
Dreams, ideas and imagination differ for all;
What is interesting to one need not be so for all;
For, one man’s food is another man’s poison!

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