Ramesh T A Poems

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A Discipline For Everything!

Orderly activities of men come only of discipline!
Without discipline nothing can be performed in order.
Discipline helps to speak, write and do orderly all;
Difficulties or problems develop due to lack of discipline.

A Beauty Only Glamorous To The Core!

This world likes only glamorous and dubious
But not the truly beautiful and best one ever!
What a pity glittering things the world believes
But naturally brilliant nobody knows even often!

In Search Of Truth!

Religion, philosophy and science search for truth;
The approach of search of each may be different;
But the object of search for everyone is the same!

A Congenial Place To Meet!

Flower plants have grown to tall flower trees!
Yellow and red flowers abound everywhere
Making the private park an exclusive place
Creating the impression that it’s not for public!

A Fun Box Born Of Idiot Box!

Fun box born of idiot box occupies centre stage of life!
For all matters all click computer for help or information;
Education, job, entertainment and fun computer gives!
TV replaced radio, computer replaced TV, cell phone all!

Harmony With Nature

Flowers, birds and fish are colourful
Which men and women imitate by dress!
Dragon fly, Caterpillar and birds are models
Man imitates inventing copter, train and plane!

A Joyful Festival Of Lights!

Full of fun all enjoy from morn till night
Energy never dissipating in revelry...!
Such a happy occasion comes once a year
Thrilling celebration in fire works ever!

A Beautiful Park Of Paradise!

Fountains and parks are beautifying and relaxing all in cities
Full of environmental pollution by greenhouse gas emissions.
Central park of the town is a great beautiful cynosure of all
Attracting tourists frequently from all over the world for years!

An Amazing Effect Of Art!

All eyes are glued to the picture beautiful!
Beauty of music kindles all to listen it again!
Composition of poem suiting both is an art;
Dignity of poet reflects it into a great piece and

A Good Education Need Of The Hour!

Education decides about the future life and work for all;
Education only helps to develop one’s life and work here.
Mere education is not passport to get job but it’s for life;
Mere education helps not to face life situation or crisis;

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