Ramesh T A Poems

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Love Only Turns Hell Into Paradise!

Interest of one's heart may be on art, science, literature, etc.
If it's not possible to engage oneself on any of the them, one's Interest will be lost as if one has lost paradise itself ever;
But for the sake of love, one even does uninteresting thing too!

Long Rosy Life All Shun!

Disease-less life is limitless wealth in the world
in the course of life for anyone anywhere sure...!
For, the cost of treatment of illness simply cnsumes
The whole wealthof man who doesn't now of his wealth!

Diseases Needing To Be Dealt With At War Footing!

Inside enemy is more dangerous than outside one in the world;
Success of enemy over a nation is possible by inside enemies;
Inside enemies are the spies of enemy outside of any nation;
The unidentifiable enemies are the parasites of healthy body!

The Other Side Of Nature!

Summer rain if at all comes, comes with heaviest rain ever
Followed by blinding lightnings and deafening thunders...;
Not only that it drives away loose upper soil dried much
With sub soil having no water left out for long everywhere!

All Singing Songs With Oum Rhythm!

Exploration of world and Universe reveals the active existence
Of all things though looks as a calm, painted picture on space;
Due to creation and destruction, matter and energy interaction
Goes on with gravitational force linking all as a chain there!

The Boundless Love Of Nature!

Humankind survives mainly due to boundless love of Nature
On the Earth somewhere in the whole of Universe forever..;
Human existence is a greatest wonder possible only due to
The love of Nature by its beauty and bountiful philanthropy!

About The Future World!

Future world is in the hands of
Today's children and youths sure;
Realizing this, politicians make way
For them to take responsibility!

A Poet In Reality!

stage talk is rare in my life;
But conversation is my fun ever!
I was dreaming to become writer;
But I didn't have time to do so!

Natural Poets Way Of Fun!

Academicians and professionals too embrace Poetry;
They too have to live life the way they prefer and
To overcome their helplessness and lack of fulfilment
Only Poetry seems to give a helping hand it seems..!

Life Is A Mission!

Life is a precious chance to do the best one can in the world;
World offers full opportunities to achieve what all one can;
Can one not do the best one can one day, if one tries the best?
Best of one's works surely has a special place in all hearts!

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