Ramona Thompson Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Halloween Baby

How can I be sure that my as yet unborn babe is a demon seed?
A part of me can't be, but will still abort him or her just to be on the safe side
Lovers and mothers everywhere are bound to be agast I know
Lucky for me I've never given much thought or care to what others think

Mason Verger

Inspired by a character featured in the film, Hannibal

Maybe if he will let me I can start to heal the scars he carries so deep inside
A loving fellow human being's touch may truely be all that the devil needs to stir the angel hidden within

Halloween Cursed

How the hell it happens I'm not quite sure
All I know is that each and year right around this time I become pocessed
So very dreadfully taken over
Longing to unleash the darker, crueler side of my nature into being

Gay Or Straight

Rewrite of Katy Perry's Hot and Cold

Don't know what's going on lately in your mind
Kinda feelin' strange

Ramona T-The Jesus Christ Of Poetry

Note-In a sassy mood I wrote this piece. Just a joke.

It's true
Oh so true

A Voting State Of Mind

Rewrite of Billy Joel's classic, New York State of Mind

Some folks like to just look the other way
This time of year

You Won'T Get No Satisfaction

Rewrite of The Rolling Stone's I Can't Get No Satisfaction

You won't get no satisfaction
You won't get no satisfaction

The Perfect Candidate

There's no such thing
Honestly all we have is the less of two evils to choose from
Every last single American must come to learn and accept that before Election Day arrives

The Perfect Candidate V 2

The very best one for the job is her
Holy and perfect virgin pure
Every other must now step aside and let her take her rightful place among the elite

Adolf Hilter

Another dark one is rising up out of the light
Demonic eyes hidden behind an angel's mask of kindness laugh at us all secretly
One thousand and one warnings signs are there
Let us not ignore them until it is too late

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