Ramona Thompson Poems

Hit Title Date Added
The Candidate's Debate

The time has come to make a bold choice, maybe even the boldest choice of them all
Head to head two very different men will go with only one to emerge as the ulimate victor
Equal at last black shall stand next to white in the most highly prized of all races

Obama Vs. Mccain

One way or another we must soon choose
Black or white?
An old man or a younger one?
Make no mistake that yes, indeed your vote and your voice do count during this most crucial time

Mccain Vs. Obama

Maybe it's really best not to waste your time on something so trival and unimportant as voting
Could't really care less anyway how this dumb election turns out
Certain that's how most of my fellow Americans feel
Anyway, I'm sure the whole this is fixed anyway so that only the rich get who and what they want

Barak Obama

Inspired by those who heartly dislike Obama

Black men need not apply for this white house
A winner this man will never be

John Mccain

Just too darn old to do this sagging country of ours any good
One too many health problems that come with people his age could loom in the not so distant future
Hard to believe that demention would't take hold during his term to lead both us and him to an awful downfall
No way we would want his running mate either

Barak Obama V 2

Blacks at last should be given their chance to prove that they can do many things better than their white counterparts
A little bit different is just what we need to spice up this boring old country of ours
Rush now to those polls and make your voice heard
All of you now with no excuses whatsoever

John Mccain V 2

Justice for all can be yours if only you will vote for this fine, upstanding man
One step above and beyond all the rest
He is the very best America could have ever hoped for
Handy and brave in any extra tough hostile situation


Part of the psychic poem project. If this touches you, please let me know.



Part of the psychic poem project. If this touchs you, please let me know.


Autism V 1

Suggested to me by one of my readers who I pray gets the help they need to understand that this is not the truth about autism

Admit it, already!
Under no circumstances is any of this false illness real

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