Randy McClave Poems

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The Grammar Nazi

She doesn't goose step when she passes me by
She never says 'Sieg Heil' when I say 'hi'
She wears no insignia on her arm or upon her chest
And nowhere on her, do I see a swastika crest,

A Conscience Mind

A conscience mind is a sober mind
And a sober mind keeps you complete
As it will try to keep your soul honest
And will try to keep you from deceit.

I Love You

I love you more than the daffodils
That grow on top of the hill,
I love you more than the flowers grown
And loving you, I always will.

My Shoes

If you were to wear my shoes
Would you do the things that I have done,
Fight the battles that I must fight
Or would you turn around and run.

In The Garden

In the garden I saw a Rose
It stood alone and seemed so sad,
But, I knew it was strong and made others glad
So, I wrote this one prose.

Our Child

You're no longer a part of my life
But, please still be a part of our Childs,
Though we are no longer husband and wife
Let's not act like animals in the wilds.

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day, Mother
Unlike you there is no other,
You gave me life and a home and a yard
And all that I gave you, was a card.

Second Chance

I am that bad penny
Called by my friends, not many,
As I have a very few, if any.

Free Advice

She said that for me she had some advice
I excitedly asked her what was the price,
Her reply was simple, "it is free",
And only because I am a typical he.

Judgement Of Immigrants

How could we look upon God's face
Without any shame or utter disgrace,
Especially after a life that many have led
Where hate and jealousy is all that they believed and said.

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