Randy McClave Poems

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We All Hear A Merry Christmas

We all hear a 'Merry Christmas! '
During this time of the year once again,
As we all pray for peace on earth
To replace all of our evil deeds and sin.

We Are Retired

Al posts trivia on the internet
Mike has become somewhat lazy and heavyset,
Bill takes another puff off his vapor cigarette
As for going to work, they no longer fret.

Come Home To Me

I want you to come straight home to me,
I want you to become my destiny,
I want us to stare at the same stars together
Then doing that, our fate no man can ever sever.

Just One Sin

I do not rob and I will not ever steal
I donate money to help the poor to get their meal,
Never do I swear nor will I ever curse
My favorite readings has always been any Bible verse.

In Heaven

With a troubled soul I try to sleep
I finally close my eyes in bed,
Burdened with worries for me alone to keep;
Now, I am dead.

The Sinning Me

Of the traits that might I pass down to my children or child
I hope one is not to grow up being wild,
Nor do I want them to drink or to ever smoke
I would hate for them to become a drunk, or to choke.

I Survived

Did you want to see me broken
Then at my condition people would stare,
And they would say that I fell into ruins
Just because, you were not there.

Life Goes On

Even if your dead and gone,
Life goes on,
Life is like a spinning top
It will wobble, but it won't stop.

Monetary Freedom

I saw you lying there on the ground
Were you waiting to just be found,
Many pedestrians I saw pass you by
But, this time, not I.

Using The Toilet

If someone is at my home and they need to piss
Whether they are a mister or a miss,
Maybe it's my father or my mother or my brother or sis
To allow them to use my toilet, I will not ever dismiss.

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