Randy McClave Poems

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They say that suicide is painless
Forgotten like the days that are nameless,
They say that the pain it is never there
So, I wonder then, why should we really care.

All Dogs Go To Heaven

All dogs will go to heaven
At least that is what they all say,
Even if though they don't go to church
Or know the words to pray.


This advice I want to give to all parents,
Only if with less worries and stress they want to cope,
When it’s time for your daughter’s wedding don’t be tyrants
Just give her the money, and then pray that she will elope.

Naked And Blind

Into this world we are born both naked and blind
Being rich or poor isn't in our thoughts or on our mind,
We can't judge or be judged by what we see or by what we wear
And the clothing or by the skin of others we don’t even care.

Religion And Politics

Here is a simple thought
For all the wars coming and to be fought,
Let the radicals fighting for their religions be taught
What teachings and belief has God truly sought.

If We Have A Soul

If we have a soul, should we not care
Should we not be callous about a brother's affair,
Or is that just another unrighteous belief
To have a soul and not care about another's grief,

Saying Grace

Lord, I want to thank you
For the food that we are about to eat,
Also thank you for our health and well-being
And thank you for our bread and meat.

Workers Of America

Workers of America shout long and loud
As we work together hard and proud
We are the ones that built this great country of ours
From the strain on our backs and our blisters and scars

Ebony Princess

Her hair was as black as the calm of the night
And was as black and as dark as I could see
Her body slowly moved like a bird in flight
I saw her, and I was overwhelmed by her beauty.

I Refuse

I refuse to agree, to any law or decree
That takes away from who I am,
I will always profess, that I will not say yes
Which takes away my beliefs or how I stand.

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