Randy McClave Poems

Hit Title Date Added
You Won't Find Any Like Me

You won't find many or any like me
To that statement you must agree,
Someone who doesn't cheat or ever lies
And one who once saw you as a great prize.

Just Don't

Don't hate someone
Because someone wants you to hate them,
Don't dislike anyone
Because someone wants you to dislike them.

Obeyed The Heart

I gave all to love
All that I had,
All that I possessed
And all that made me glad.

I Am Not Happy

I am not happy
No, I am not,
I lost in a war
That I had valiantly fought,

Reunion In Heaven

Do not cry as I lay here dead
Do not sigh as my body lies in its bed,
There is no need for your bereft
I am no longer here, as my soul has left.

I Am Blessed

I am blessed
To all I have confessed,
I have air to breathe
And I have eyes to see,

Going Back To Church

Instead of asking and looking on my search
I instead am going back to church,
It is where all my answers will be found
Indeed it is where I am soulfully bound.

Her Smile

I remember what she had said
From a book of philosophy she had read,
Let your beam of happiness be spacious
And always be pleased, and gracious.

Our First Date

Last night was our very first date
And I must say that it was great,
She wasn't a tease, and I was at ease
Not once did I hesitate.

Today, At Church

I finally ended my soulful search
I found myself a church,
From my face I assuredly removed my smirch
Today, at the Church.

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