Randy McClave Poems

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The Wink

It might of been created by a liar or a thief
So people will be confused by a thought or a belief
And at that moment of time when you will stop and think
You will not realize you've been tricked, as there will be a wink,


If we don’t listen to GOD
Then who do we hear,
If we don’t listen to righteousness
Then what do we fear.

The Sty In Your Eye

Look into your eye, do you see that sty
As I have seen it many times before
Though you said it was not there,  
But in your mirror you still stare,

A Name Is A Name

When Adam first named the rose
After it's sweet fragrance had pleased his nose,
Up to the heavens to GOD he said in a dare
The flower the rose has been named, Adam did declare.

Without The Dreamers

Without dreamers we would have only the realists
The people who represent things as they really are;
Goodbye, we would say to the fantasizers and the idealists
No longer would we wish or hope upon a falling star.

Scottish Thistle


Lovely Scottish Thistle
Painted with shades of purple

Sweet, Sweet, Caroline

Sweet, Sweet Caroline,
Lips as tasty as a sweet, sweet wine,
Upon her lips again I wish to drink
Until I am drunk, and no worries to think,

My Older Brother

I once looked up to him when I was a little boy,
I wanted to be just like him, so he I did annoy,
I emulated his every move and even the way he walked,
I even began to spit and curse, I even mimicked the way he talked.

Massacre At Glencoe (Don't Trust A Campbell)

He shouted, 'don't trust a Campbell! '
Then he spat upon the ground;
'Don't trust a Campbell! '
Then on the table his fist he did pound.

Man's Best Friend

A time in my life I had nothing at all;
I thought my world had come to an end;
Then as I sadly looked about my home;
In the corner of my eye, I saw my best friend.

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