Randy McClave Poems

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Just Think

Think not only of today
But, think also of tomorrow,
Think of happiness
And not only of sorrow.

The Old Maid

When she first came into this world
She immediately became daddy's little girl,
He then knew from that day that he would not get any rest
He would always be under pressure to give his daughter the very best.

Hello My Love

Hello my love, it's me again,
As you think while you are sipping your gin,
The more that you ponder the more you will drink
Then of our past together, you will stop and think.

Child's Grace

It is so nice to watch a little child's face;
Especially when they begin to utter grace,
Then to watch their little hands clutched in a prayer
And them knowing that GOD is listening to them out there.

What I Own

I have myself a car and I own my own house
But, no longer am I married, so I have myself no spouse,
My car takes fuel and my house always takes repairs
The spouse took my heart which left me broke with despairs.

The Hungry

In times of stress and worries and memories of a war
Shouldn't we all be obligated to feed the needy and the poor,
Let no person starve or go hungry that I solemnly do declare
We all are brothers and sisters and children of GOD, that I swear.

The Wake

I give you my condolences for your sad loss
So, I bring you my sympathy and also a cake,
I will pray for your loved one upon my cross
As we today celebrate their life, with this wake.

Our Forefathers

When our forefathers came to this great country
They never asked for permission or even applied for entry,
They just showed up and arrived and called America their new home
Then they took the land they wanted, they said it was free, I said stolen.

Some Men's Deaths

Though I do not wish to hurry my own demise
Some men though seem not to worry about their dying,
To some I think that they will be leaving others a surprise
With unpaid bills, taxes, and ex's wishing and crying.

Woman's Breasts

She told me more than a mouthful is just a waste
Larger the size she said takes away from the firmness and the taste,
Smaller and the firmer is the best way for any man to enjoy
But, then I said to her; If you are too small they may think you are a boy.

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