Randy McClave Poems

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Burden To Carry

Every man has a burden to carry
And some seem to carry it very well
While others complain, about the burden and strain
And as their fall from grace to all they must tell.

The Counselor

As they sit behind their made up desks
As they try to counsel one and another
While putting the blame on the world itself
Which includes everyone, except for each other.

Spirits About Us

If they are spirits about us,
Would we do the things that we do,
Or would we want to be better persons
Especially if they be spirits we once had knew.

The Day I Died

You were there when I died,
As I remembered seeing your face
You looked at me, in such disbelief
Uttering oh death, why such a waste.

Worth Dying For

Though you might not like who I am
You might even hate me to the core
But one thing I can tell you my brothers
Jesus said that I, was worth dying for.

To Believe A Lie

To tell a lie is a sin to us all
Is that so hard to understand,
But to believe that lie, it is a sin to GOD,
And for that you surely will be damned.

There Stands A Woman

Behind every great man there stands a woman
I have heard that time after time before
Standing behind him and keeping him strong
There is a woman who is opening life's door.

Nothing Lasts Forever

Nothing Lasts forever,
That's what my father use to say,
And nothing ever stays the same,
For someday it all will pass away.

Dead And Gone

In years from now when I am dead and gone
Will people read the words that I had wrote
If they do will they agree with what they read
And if so truly, understand the feelings I had spoke.

Run Away

Where are you going to run
When you have no place to run
Especially, when the wind gets cold and wet,
When you will had looked all around,

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