Randy McClave Poems

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You Are My Light

If you need a shoulder to lean on,
Here's mine,
Or tears, for you to cry
Or if you need a smile


Honeysuckle, oh Honeysuckle
Watching as you grow
In the springtime and summer rain
Remembering children's games

Come, My Lady

Come my lady
Give me your hand
As there is no rest
For a working man

I Am He

I am he,
Spoke the acorn to the tree
Said the flower to the seed
Replied the wind to the breeze

The Little Man

Little man with your high heel boots on
As you are walking down the street,
I wander if people know who you really are
That daily you might meet or greet.

What Does It Show

What does it show
When a cold wind does blow
And a robin, sings you a song,
Are you in love

Ring For Freedom

Let the bells ring for freedom
Let the bells ring out loud
And hope the people again will hear them
While answering back with a shout.

If I Were A Poem

If I were a poem
And you were a book
Would you ever read me
Could you take a look

Autumn Leaves

Autumn leaves, in the trees
Falling to the ground
Colors of many, in the breeze
Of red and orange and brown.

Watching The River Flow

While Sun shines bright
And the Moon is full aglow
That is the time
To sit and watch the river flow.

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