Randy McClave Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Am Damned

He slammed his gavel upon the table
To all men I swear they all I will label
If in a woman’s eyes if I should see a tear
Only her story alone do I want to hear,

Adam's Apple

I tasted the apple and its taste was sweet
But I did not like the knowledge it gave unto me
So, I tossed it half eaten down unto my feet
It gave me truth and facts, but with it I did disagree,


It begins with a jab and then followed with a poke
I scream “please quit”, it hurts and that is not a joke,

They stab me in my side with their stubby finger

Wisdom, My Child

These words of wisdom, I will give you my child
When on life's road someday you must embark
Enter the world with dreams and never be reviled
And when you leave life, leave more than just a simple remark.

The Candy Lady

Pamela Sue is in the kitchen
She is making her delectable candy
Now my tastes buds they all are itchin
As she adds the sugar and a drop of brandy,

Seed To Grow (Tree)

What if we had no seeds to sow
Which meant we had no trees to grow
Then leaves the wind could never blow
The tree then, we would never know,

Snow Days

The children will not be out today
Because of the weather it is too cold
So, we will not hear them shout or play
Said Mom, and all people that are old.


She was not divorcing because of a tortured soul
She was divorcing because of a small loophole
Though she swore an oath that including her life
Now no longer could she be her husband’s wife,


If only I had thought prior
Then I would have known who was a liar
But of course I believed and trusted
And in the end a liar is always busted

Already Cried

I will cry now for you; I think
Instead of crying any later
As of now I am happy and in the pink
And who knows how I will feel later,

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