Randy McClave Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Today, I Will Not

Today, I will not post or say any lies
As though from you I'm trying to win a prize,
And today I will not start any argument or fight
Even though I might be right.

Proud American

I am proud and honored to say
I never did usurp the USA,
And unto her never was I a hater
Never to her was I a traitor.

Good Men

A lot of good men
Who never lied or cheated or wanted to sin,
Have lost many good years
Followed by hurt and pain and many tears.

Ohio Republicans

Up in Ohio the Republicans all say
A husband can now rape his wife on any day,
No matter how much that she screams and shouts, "NO! "
An Ohio wife must now allow that sickness and woe.

A Relationship No More

I don't mean to be shy or even rude
But, I choose solitude,
I have been hurt by women in my past
And that pain does still last.

Modern Hunting

If you need an AR-15 to hunt
When a deer or a rabbit you confront,
Because, on that hunting day
You don't want your prey to get away.

The Wedding Bed

A marriage bed
Where a husband and wife lay their head,
When after they are wed
Underneath forever the same spread.

Remind All Christians

Remind every Christian
Shout it out loud until they all listen,
Show them a Bible and tell them to read
Then the truth they will heed.

On The Prowl

The lion is on the prowl
As you hear his growl,
The hunter is ready to take his shot
When he has found the adversary he had sought.

Tonight We Sleep

Tonight we sleep
Nothing we will reap,
We are just taking a needed rest
After a days hard quest.

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